Lois Ruskell
/“I’m thankful for past generations’ efforts towards stewardship, but I know there is still more to do.”
Lois has been with the District since 1989, she originally started out as a dairy technician and planner but is now our Public Relations Coordinator. Lois is a wealth of knowledge and experience when it comes to outreach in Snohomish County. She was managing editor and steward of the Nexus for 25 years and more than 100 issues, receiving national recognition for her efforts. Before joining the District she co-managed a 200-acre dairy farm with 400 additional acres of crops in Minnesota. Lois has also worked with the Extension Service in two states, managed a 5 million dollar watershed project in the prairie pothole area of the Midwest, and was an Ag Fellow at the University of Minnesota. The District would not be where it is today without her influence and drive to push us forward. We are grateful for her lifelong commitment to protecting and conserving our natural resources.