Pat Stevenson
/“We have choices we can make now to lessen the effects of climate change and population growth. We don’t need to endlessly study and plan, we need to take action.”
Pat has been a biologist for the Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians since 1988. Pat was one of the primary architects of the 2005 Stillaguamish Chinook Recovery Plan, which guides all Chinook restoration work in the watershed today and he had a direct hand in securing more than $20 Million for salmon recovery work in the Stillaguamish Watershed. Pat’s accomplishments include: initiating the Stillaguamish Festival of the River, which celebrates its 30 year anniversary in 2019, and implementing dozens of engineered log jams in local rivers and studying their performance over time to ensure their efficacy and use by fish. Pat’s drive for environmental education and science, and his passion for on-the-ground impacts influence his actions and many of those around him and encourages us to think bigger, do better, and base policy decisions on reality by going outside and seeing the problem on the ground.