Jessica Paige | Writer/Editor

Contact Jessica at or 425-238-7666

Jessica is our writer and editor and, in an earlier role at the District, helped to develop the Sound Horsekeeping and Lawns to Lettuce programs. Jessica has a BA in Environmental Economics and has worked in the environmental field for over 20 years.

What do you like about living in the Pacific Northwest?

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If I had to pick one thing I like the most about living in the Pacific Northwest, it would probably be all of our forested trails. I loved riding my horse in the woods as a kid and now I walk my dog on trails almost every day. I feel lucky to live somewhere with so many opportunities to be in nature.

Why do you work here (at the District)?

I want to do what I can to help preserve the natural beauty of our region. The District does an amazing job supporting people who are working hard to be good stewards of the land. I'm glad to contribute to that mission however I can!

Bonus fact!

I love to grow medicinal herbs and harvest them for teas, tinctures, and other concoctions.