Working Together for Clean Water in Edmonds

Working Together for Clean Water in Edmonds

Keeping stormwater clean in urban spaces isn’t easy. When rain hits the ground and travels across surfaces like streets and parking lots, it picks up pollutants along the way before heading down a storm drain and into our waterways. But there are nature-based solutions, commonly referred to as Green Stormwater Infrastructure, that collect, slow, and filter stormwater.

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Orca Recovery Day During COVID-19 A Success

Orca Recovery Day During COVID-19 A Success

“Orcatober” is officially in the books!

COVID-19 has been a disruption for all of us, but it couldn’t get in the way of recovery efforts for our Southern Resident Killer Whales. We were fortunate to be able to celebrate Orca Recovery Day with all who participated in our scavenger hunt, rain barrel sale and Eco Challenge.

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Tween STEAM Club: Conservation Events Through Sno-Isle Libraries

Tween STEAM Club: Conservation Events Through Sno-Isle Libraries

Throughout April and May, there are several opportunities to experience Snohomish Conservation District's Sound Education program for youth around the county. Sno-Isle Libraries is hosting the following programs in Sultan, Lynnwood, Monroe, and Edmonds.

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Snohomish County Council Member Tour with Monte Marti from Snohomish Conservation District

Snohomish County Council Member Tour with Monte Marti from Snohomish Conservation District

On Monday May 15th, the Snohomish Conservation District (SCD) invited out Council Members Brian Sullivan and Stephanie Wright, to join District Manager, Monte Marti, on a tour around south Snohomish County to view completed stormwater treatment projects within their districts (2 and 3). 

The tour consisted of a rain garden on an right of way and a property owner’s house in Edmonds, the Mukilteo Library, Mukilteo Elementary School to view their outdoor classroom, and condominiums along 112th St. SE in Everett.

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Edmonds could be getting a ‘green’ makeover

Edmonds could be getting a ‘green’ makeover

Thanks to a study funded by the Nature Conservancy and Boeing, the cities of Edmonds and Lynnwood may be getting a very ‘green’ makeover soon. The study conducted by Snohomish Conservation District, Forterra and Edmonds Community College, looked at the feasibility of incorporating Community-Based Stormwater Solutions on private and public land in the Perrinville Watershed– projects like rain gardens, planting trees along streets, and gardens in the right-of-way that reduce flooding and pollution in local waterways. 

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