Five Years of Orca Recovery Day Celebrated in Marysville

Five Years of Orca Recovery Day Celebrated in Marysville

Adults and children from over six countries gathered at the Strawberry Fields Athletic Complex in Marysville for the fifth annual Orca Recovery Day on October 15. Attendees had the opportunity to participate in a guided nature walk, learn about water quality, and plant trees along the Middle Fork Quilceda Creek, which runs through the park. The creek is an important habitat restoration site due to the presence of coho salmon near a high-traffic area. Salmon are a main food source for the Southern Resident orcas.

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Crabapples and Camas: Alley Cropping at Northwest Meadowscapes

Crabapples and Camas: Alley Cropping at Northwest Meadowscapes

Twenty years ago, Eric Lee-Mäder found a strange-looking bottle in a wine shop that would end up changing the course of his life. The French cider inside was unlike anything he’d ever tasted.

“It was much more complex than sweet,” Eric said. “I got a sense of the whole orchard, from the bloom of the apple tree to the fungus growing in the understory.”

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Sweet Secrets of Bigleaf Maple

Sweet Secrets of Bigleaf Maple

When you think of our native bigleaf maple (Acer macrophyllum), you might picture a mossy trunk with delicate licorice ferns. You probably don’t think of maple syrup. Particularly, one with a “bold and buttery flavor that has hints of vanilla and molasses.”

But that's how Patrick Shults, Extension Forester for Southwest Washington—along with many others—describe the taste of this specialty syrup.

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Winter Garden Tips for Beneficial Wildlife

Winter Garden Tips for Beneficial Wildlife

Winter can be a great time to set ourselves up for success by thinking about our behind-the-scenes helpers—the beneficial birds and insects that make our garden healthier and more productive. The best part is that most of the things these “helpers” need means less work for you now, not just during the growing season.

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Riverfront Property, Literally: Garden Paradise for Snohomish Couple

Riverfront Property, Literally: Garden Paradise for Snohomish Couple

What used to be a rock and garbage-filled ditch is now a scaled-down riverscape of native flowers, trees and shrubs, complete with several wood ornaments and a bridge that Paul built. The neighbors say they fall asleep to the sound of the stream.

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Heeled In Plants (aka what to do when it's still cold outside)

Heeled In Plants (aka what to do when it's still cold outside)

Was your plant appetite bigger than your time available for planting? Dig a shallow trench in your garden or bare soil, take the plants out of the bags, lay the roots in the trench, cover the roots well with soil, and use your heel or palms to tamp down the soil over the roots. Keep them moist and they'll hold until you're ready to plant. 

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The 2018 Annual Plant Sale Was Awesome. Thanks to YOU!

The 2018 Annual Plant Sale Was Awesome. Thanks to YOU!

The 2018 Annual Plant Sale is in the record books. Nearly 50,000 plants went out the door and we could not have done it without YOU! Thanks for supporting native plants and better ground! And, volunteers, you rock our world! Thanks!

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