19,386 Pounds!

We are at the end of Project Harvest’s 2018 season. We shot for 20,000 pounds and my oh my did we get close. Volunteers worked tirelessly throughout the harvest season and brought in 19,386 pounds of food to Snohomish County food banks. We must thank all 40 of our farm donors, and the numerous property owners who either invited us out to harvest or donated directly through our market gleans. In addition, volunteers donated over 130 hours of their time to this cause. Thank you all for the great times, unforgettable memories and bountiful harvests. Till next year! - Jill Farrant, Project Harvest coordinator
And, Snohomish Conservation District is super grateful to our WSU Intern, Jill, for being our woman on the ground coordinating events, loading vehicles, sorting, arranging, harvesting and more! Thank you, Jill!