A Fond Farewell to Our Veterans Conservation Corps Crew
/Many celebrate Halloween on this date, but we are remembering another event of greater importance to our mission, the end of the Vet Crew’s term. Over the last eight months, our Veterans Conservation Corps, has done an astounding amount of on-the-ground work.
Cameron Coronado (Vet Crew Program Manager), Chris Rodriguez (Vet Crew Supervisor), Taylor Pesce (former Vet Crew Member), and Sara Rocero (former Vet Crew Member and active Americorps Restoration Assistant) at a homeowner’s property in Edmonds during rain garden construction.
Here’s a summary of their achievements:
23 Rain Gardens constructed. Ranging in size from 200 SF to 2000 SF
15 on private residences
2 at schools
3 at community centers
2 at churches
1 on city property
2 Depave projects that replaced 7500 SF of pavement will high quality soil
Construction of a 5000 SF play field
600 rain barrels constructed and sold
3 rain beds implemented on private property
8 raised beds constructed at a Housing Hope community
40 days of restoration planting and maintenance on dozens of acres of riparian land
130 foot boardwalk
Chris Rodriguez
It was a very good year. With many significant accomplishments that are worth celebrating.
Of significant note is that this closes four years of service to the Snohomish Conservation District for one of our crew members, Chris Rodriguez. We are especially grateful for his dedication to environmental stewardship, the mentoring of our Vet Crew as well as other Veterans in our community, and for being a leader on our Washington Conservation Corps Crew, too. Chris will be extraordinarily missed and we wish him the best with what life brings him next.