Bobbi Lindemulder | Agriculture Department Director

Picture of Bobbi and her herd of cows

Contact Bobbi at or 425-377-7003.

Bobbi has been at the District since 1997, she is our Agriculture Department Director. She previously was our lead farm planner and worked with many types of landowners and operators on natural resource needs as well as finding opportunities to keep farms farming. Bobbi works at the local and statewide level to help bring awareness to the needs of farmers and managers to the forefront in order to keep our agricultural community alive. She has a BS in Range Resource Management. 

What do you like about living in the Pacific Northwest?

As a grass fed beef producer, I TOTALLY appreciate our ability to grow grass in the Pacific Northwest! I love the green, the trees, the fact that within a couple hours you are at the ocean, mountains or desert. The mountains and trees are what I love, having worked in the woods for many years. The bounty that you can grow, fabulous gardens, and clean air and water. I love the agriculture in this state. I think we need even more. I love the fact that the PNW has grabbed onto the idea of sustainable agriculture, supporting our farming communities, and has grown its farmers markets and recognized the value that farmers bring to the table.

Why do you work here (at the District)?

SCD has provided me a place to build my continue my career, to develop a program, to seek out and help those who didn't know where to turn. working with our great partners (WSU, Snohomish County, Cascade Harvest, NRCS, other conservation districts, etc). We're all in this together. Having been here almost 27 years, I can see the changes over time. These are wonderful communities we live in - yet I have been blessed to serve all these communities. To be able to assist the farming community and partners has allowed me to make a real connection to what I love. Helping people and serving. I am happiest in my job when I can help others be successful.

Bonus fact(s)!

  • I'm a twin!

  • I can juggle!

  • I'm a canning queen - I can anything and everything I can get my hands on during the growing season. My pantry is always full.

  • I'm an avid hunter and love to fish.

  • I am most happy at the farm. The rest of the time I would rather be in the woods.