Climate Resilience Riparian Restoration Recording

Climate Resilience Riparian Restoration Recording

In December 2024, Snohomish Conservation District partnered with Puget Sound Conservation Districts, Department of Ecology, Conservation Commission, and Bonneville Environmental Foundation to host a workshop focused on restoration practices that encourage a more resilient ecosystem in the face of a changing climate.

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NOAA Funds Habitat Restoration Along Snohomish & Stillaguamish Rivers

NOAA Funds Habitat Restoration Along Snohomish & Stillaguamish Rivers

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is recommending over $200 million in funding for 32 transformational habitat restoration and coastal resilience projects this year, as well as an additional $66 million in funding in future years.

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Reciprocal Relationship: Restoring & Receiving on the Skykomish

Reciprocal Relationship: Restoring & Receiving on the Skykomish

As a Restoration Ecologist, Paul Cereghino recognizes the enormity of the challenge we’re facing in our region. 

“If you think about every river and stream, every wetland, all the forested buffers, it's over 1,000,000 acres of land across the lowland Salish Sea. A lot of this landbase is degraded and needs restoration,” Paul explains. 

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What Can Living with Beavers Look Like?

What Can Living with Beavers Look Like?

When Ken Coman first spotted a beaver along the stream on his property outside of Snohomish, his first reaction wasn’t concern, it was curiosity. He started doing some reading about the ecological benefits that beavers provide and decided that his goal wasn’t to get rid of them, but to welcome them instead.

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Native Plants for a Healthy Forest

Native Plants for a Healthy Forest

How do you manage your forest for both economic and ecological benefits? Snohomish Conservation District partnered with the Northwest Natural Resource Group to provide a comprehensive and hands-on day of learning about ecological forestry, a holistic system of forest management that encompasses the health of not just the trees, but the health and biodiversity of all aspects of the forest.

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Putting the Plan Before the Horse

Putting the Plan Before the Horse

It’s a privilege to be a part of new beginnings, and we’re fortunate to have stories like the Rhinevaults to share with others starting out. Most of the people we work with would say that their farms and livestock ventures are a work in progress, and we’re available to help every step of the way.

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