Plant Sale is for Pickups Only - Drive-Through Set Up Working
/Thursday was our first day of plant pickups for the early bird order from January. It worked as well as it could have. We have taken measures to keep our social distances, keep people in their vehicles, and quality check your plants before giving them to our patrons.
Some items of note to help us keep thing flowing:
1) We have good signage when you reach the Fairgrounds. Simply follow the signs and cones.
2) If you have your order number handy, this is the best way to help us find your plants faster. It should begin with 20 and then the four digits after that. Example: 200977.
3) Before you leave the parking lot, please do a double-check to make sure you have all of your plants. Most are pre-loaded into a bag. Some plants are in pots or too big to load into the bag so we grab those separately. Also, if you ordered a rain barrel, please make sure you get that too!
Here are some photos from Thursday. The sun was quite glorious and it’s a vast improvement from a Plant Sale where the weather is in the the 20s to 40s!