Instructions for Vegetables That Can Be Planted in August

“The Carrot Girls”

“The Carrot Girls”

Carrot (Tendersweet)

Planting Instructions: Sow seeds in a sunny area with well-drained soil. Loosen soil 12” deep. Disperse 3-5 seeds per inch in the row. Once seedlings have 3 leaves, thin them to 2” apart from surrounding seedlings. Plant again in midsummer to harvest in the fall. 

Days to Germination: 14-25 Planting Depth: ¼-1/2” Days to Harvest: 70 Row/plant spacing: 1’/2”


Planting Instructions: Once ground can be worked, sow outdoors. Every 2” place a seed and cover it with soil. Cool weather vegetable, so it can do well in partial shade. Once 3” tall, thin to 6” apart. Harvest prior to flower stalk forming. 

Days to Germination: 8-10 Planting Depth: ½” Days to Harvest: 45-50 Row/plant spacing:  12”/6”

Lettuce (limestone)

Planting Instructions: Once soil is able to be made fine and loose, sow directly in garden. Cool weather vegetable, so it can do well in partial shade. Cover seeds firmly with soil after planting every 2”. When they are displaying 2-3 leaves, thin plants to 6” apart. Pick individual leaves for use once plants start to crowd. 

Days to Germination: 7-10 Planting Depth: ¼” Days to Harvest: 57 Row/plant spacing: 18”/12”

Onion (Yellow Hybrid)

Planting instructions: When ground can be easily worked, put 2-3 seeds per inch, and eventually thin to 3” spacing between plants once they reach 6” tall. 

Days to Germination: 10-12 Planting Depth: ½” Days to Harvest: 150-170 Row/Plant spacing: 18”/3”

Radish (Champion)

Planting Instructions: this vegetable prefers full sun, and to be sown 2 seeds for each inch in the row. Cover firmly with soil. Thin to 1” apart when the plants have 3-4 leaves. 

Days to Germination: 4-7 Planting Depth: ½” Days to Harvest: 28 Row/Plant spacing: 12”/1” 

Collards (Vates) 

Plant needs 2-3 seeds to be sown together every 3”. Thin to 1 plant every 3” once seedlings are 1 ½” tall. Thin to 1 ½’ apart when as plants eventually grow crowded. 

Days to Germination: 10-15 Planting Depth: ½” Days to Harvest: 55-90 Row/Plant spacing: 3’/18”