Harvesting Rainwater Never Felt So Good


We firmly believe a barrel of rainwater is loads better than a barrel full of monkeys. Plus, it’s definitely more legal! The Washington Department of Ecology legalized rainwater harvesting in 2009. You can read more about it here. 

In 2019, we’ve had four rain barrel workshop events, with a total of 99 barrels sold and/or built, and sold 120 barrels online through our website.

Rain barrels capture water from your roof and store it for use at a later time - like during the hot summer months when you need to water your garden. “Harvesting” rain like this also keeps water from becoming runoff during our wettest seasons, where it overflows with pollutants from the road into our rivers, lakes, and other natural water bodies.

These handy barrels are pretty amazing. By collecting a valuable resource that literally falls from the sky, they can water your plants and livestock with chlorine-free rainwater, clean your car, bike, tools, etc. without ever using the faucet, and protect local streams and the Puget Sound. Plus, your water bill will thank you.

Choosing and setting up your rain barrel

Keep your rain barrel on a level, elevated base. This barrel will hold several hundred pounds of water when it’s full! You’ll also want to choose a rain barrel with a removable top for easy cleaning and a drain plug so it can easily be emptied.

Drip irrigation

We’ve covered some general ways you can use it, but many people have expressed interest in using them for drip irrigation. The great thing about this method is it doesn’t require any pressure, just good ole fashioned gravity and water in the line. As long as your drip line stays below the water level in your tanks, you can irrigate.

If your property is flat, generally you’ll have 20-25 feet of distribution through a ½” main line. In this case, plant your water-loving plants closest to the barrel with your drought-tolerant plants further away. If you have a slop on your property, even a light one, your barrel will be able to distribute water easier and further.

If you want to build your own rain barrel, order a pre-made one or learn more about how to set it up, please contact djackson@snohomishcd.org.