Planning for Changes in Climate and Flooding to Benefit Fish and Farms

How will agriculture and salmon coexist? What will happen as our landscape and climate change over the next few decades? These questions and many more were the topic of a discussion held at the November ‘Focus on Farming’ conference in Monroe. Some of the pressing issues included: the projected impacts of climate change on crops, how farmers can plan for flooding risks and changing weather patterns and how they can take advantage of longer growing seasons and higher levels of carbon dioxide. Presenters included: Tristan Klesick, Klesick Family Farm and Co-Chair of the Sustainable Lands Strategy group; Will Stelle, NOAA Fisheries; Chad Kruger, WSU Extension; and Cindy Dittbrenner, Snohomish Conservation District. The ultimate goal is to form an Agriculture Resilience Plan for agriculture and to help farmers plan for risk.

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