Dave Somers | Our Future

What's your connection to the land? 

I'm a property owner with about 15 acres and two horses in the Monroe area. In my work career, I was a fisheries biologist and worked with land use and environmental quality, which I'm still passionate about. Having been on the County Council and now serving as County Executive, I have a very direct tie and interest in what goes on with land use and jurisdiction issues in the County.

What actions have you taken as a steward that you're most proud of and/or that you feel have made the biggest difference? 

On a personal level, we worked with the Conservation District to come up with a plan for our horse farm. We have installed three large, covered compost bins and a winter sacrifice area to protect the pastures in the winter. While on the County Council, I'm proud of my efforts to support the Conservation District in getting their assessment to provide stable funding. The District is important as an agency that can work with landowners and provide them with the necessary tools to make wise land-use decisions and help them improve their farm operations.

What’s your hope for the next 75 years? And/or what advice do you have for those next 75 years? 

We expect an increase of 200,000 people in the next 20 years. We've got to work hard to make sure we're protecting our land and water. We need to work with businesses and the rural community to maintain our environment and our quality of life.

Anything else you want to share or feel is important?

The function of the Conservation District is really unique. It's not regulatory; it's more service-oriented. It gives people tools and I've been very protective and supportive of their work. The work the CD does helps keep rural areas healthy and maintains the quality of life we all enjoy.

Who are you?

  • Name: Dave Somers
  • Where is home? Rural Monroe
  • Where are you from? Napa Valley, California (but father is from Kirkland)