Yolimar Rivera | Appreciate Nature

What's your connection to the land?

I love being surrounded by nature, trees, water, sunlight... I like listening to nature's sounds, being able to feel the wind or a breeze... These sort of things make me feel happy and bring me peace.

What actions have you taken as a steward that you're most proud of and/or that you feel have made the biggest difference?

With every action I take, I try to consider the environmental impacts it may have. But I guess that the biggest action I've taken that has made the most difference is to have had chosen a career that allows me to share with others the importance of taking care of the environment we live in, through which I can inspire others to become better stewards of the land.

What’s your hope for the next 75 years? And/or what advice do you have for those next 75 years?

I hope that the rising generation and the upcoming ones, learn from our current and past generations and develop a better sense of appreciation and caring for the environment we live into the point where the connection to the land/nature becomes a way of living and not just a view.

Who are you?

  • Name: Yolimar Rivera
  • Where is home? Mukilteo, WA
  • Where are you from? Cidra, Puerto Rico