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Rain Garden Training for Professionals

Rain Garden: Training for Professionals

Wednesday Nov. 4  (8 a.m. - 3 p.m.) & Friday, Nov. 6  (8 a.m. - 1 p.m.) 

Training Overview: One and one-half day workshop for professionals covering all aspects of rain gardens (includes half-day hands-on field instruction day). This training is brought to you by: The City of Everett, the Snohomish Conservation District, and Snohomish County WSU Extension. *All workshop participants are required to offer landscape services in the City of Everett

Learn more & register online:

This training will cover rain garden site selection, soils, designs, plant selection and more. Class is taught by leading landscape professionals in the industry. The first day, Wednesday, November 4th, will be a full day classroom session with engaging presentations by local industry leaders. A catered box lunch will be provided. Then, on Friday, November 6th, there will be a half-day hands-on field portion to learn first-hand how a rain garden is installed. On Friday, please bring your own lunch, or plan to grab lunch after the workshop ends at 1 p.m.

Stay Ahead of the Rain Garden Trend: Rain gardens are gaining popularity with savvy homeowners who want to control run-off and beautify their yards. Thus, the demand for properly installed rain gardens is growing, creating a role and tremendous opportunity for landscape designers, installers and maintenance technicians. State and local programs regulating municipal stormwater discharges are constantly changing and landscape professionals must be able to understand and support regulations aimed at controlling stormwater runoff. These regulations are and will increasingly result in the creation of new jobs in the landscape industry.

By attending this training you will:

  • Learn about site analyses, soils, designs, material specifications and more from professionals experienced industry professionals
  • Earn CPH, ISA, EcoPRO credits will be available for this workshop.
  • Receive handbooks,manuals and other valuable resources on rain gardens provided.
  • A database of businesses that have completed the training will be compiled to provide to homeowners and small business owners in Snohomish County who are seeking to hire professional firms for rain garden projects. The City of Everett runs a homeowner rain garden rebate program.

 Who should attend?

  • Landscape designers
  • Engineers
  • Installers and landscape maintenance staff
  • Landscape architects
  • Landscape business owners


Contact Kate Riley to learn more. | (425) 377-7004