Climate Resilience Riparian Restoration Recording

Climate Resilience Riparian Restoration Recording

In December 2024, Snohomish Conservation District partnered with Puget Sound Conservation Districts, Department of Ecology, Conservation Commission, and Bonneville Environmental Foundation to host a workshop focused on restoration practices that encourage a more resilient ecosystem in the face of a changing climate.

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Orca health starts at your streamside property

Orca health starts at your streamside property

Our Southern Resident orcas survive primarily on one food source: Chinook salmon. When we think about protecting the health of orcas, one of the most important factors is keeping this food source plentiful for them. Unfortunately, Chinook populations have diminished greatly since the 20th century, leaving Southern Resident orcas searching for food.

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Streamside Restoration at Polestar Farm

Streamside Restoration at Polestar Farm

In addition to its three riparian buffers, Polestar Farm is home to upwards of 20 beaver dams, creating a wetland nested within the forest. The slowed water caused by a beaver dam helps keep horse waste and other pollutants from entering the stream quickly, and also recharges groundwater. 

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Seeing the Forest Through New Eyes: Connections Between Restoration Planning and Forestry

Seeing the Forest Through New Eyes: Connections Between Restoration Planning and Forestry

After two seasons of riparian restoration implementation, I transitioned into a role at Snohomish Conservation District that allowed me to plan and manage similar projects to improve habitat for salmon. Salmon are the bridge between our ecosystems. Traveling from oceans to estuaries, wetlands to streams, they cycle nutrients from the ocean back to the forest. They also hold immense cultural importance to Salish Sea tribes—to lose the salmon would be a loss of a way of life.

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Conservation in Action at “Farm, Fish, and Forest Field Day”

Conservation in Action at “Farm, Fish, and Forest Field Day”

Last week, we welcomed Snohomish County Council members Nate Nehring and Sam Low, Town of Darrington Mayor Dan Rankin, and Linda Neunzig, Snohomish County Agriculture Coordinator, on behalf of Executive Dave Somers, for a tour of three of our conservation projects throughout Snohomish County.

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Farm & Forest: Growing Agroforestry in Puget Sound

Farm & Forest: Growing Agroforestry in Puget Sound

Our resident agroforester Carrie Brausieck has been researching, implementing, and educating on agroforestry in the region for over half a decade, but it’s only been the past two years that agroforestry has become widely noticed.

“We’re the only organization in the state that has an agroforestry program and a person on staff with an agroforestry title,” Carrie said. “Our program is leading the way for this innovative land use within our county and throughout the state.” Read on to learn about the work we've been doing in agroforestry.

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