Snohomish River Film Festival Held at Luckie Farms

Snohomish River Film Festival Held at Luckie Farms

Back in January/February, a group of brave storytellers joined virtually for a two week training that generated 12 digital stories now known as “Tales of Two Rivers.” This group of stories was split between the Snohomish and the Stillaguamish basins within Snohomish County. On Thursday, June 9, the first of two film festivals was held to feature the Snohomish basin stories.

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Got Flooding? Agroforestry can help.

Got Flooding? Agroforestry can help.

Agroforestry systems can help farmers of any size adapt to these new weather patterns, lessening the negative impacts that they have across the landscape. Integrating more trees into the farming landscape provides cover that can intercept rainfall, increases the amount of rain that filters into soils, and reduces the quantity, speed, and peak flow of runoff.

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Launching Agriculture Resilience into Action

Launching Agriculture Resilience into Action

The Plan acts as a resource to help farmers plan for a future with both drier and wetter climates, as well as challenges that come with an ever-increasing population. It advocates for preserving farmland and greenspace that can act as both a buffer and balance to the sprawling suburbs that are quickly sprouting up.

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Agriculture Resilience & the Photovoice Story

Agriculture Resilience & the Photovoice Story

Traveling the back roads of Snohomish County, you’ll pass a variety of scenic farms. Farms have been a crucial component of the landscape, history, and economy of this county and most of Puget Sound, and will hopefully remain so. The types of farms and the products grown vary and farm stability relies on resilience to adapt to changing markets, climatic variations, consumer preferences and rising land and equipment costs. 

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Photovoice for Agricultural Resilience: Farmers educate decision-makers through photos.

Photovoice for Agricultural Resilience: Farmers educate decision-makers through photos.

Seven farms took part in the Photovoice Project hosted by the Snohomish Conservation District and The Nature Conservancy. Through a series of four workshops, participants responded to two questions - "Why is agriculture important to our community?" and "What are the major challenges facing agriculture?" - through photos and discussion.

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