Carbon Crushers Series Wraps Up

During the first winter of the pandemic, our Agriculture Resilience Team brainstormed ways to engage the public when we were unable to physically gather. The result was a Carbon Crushers series of workshops focused on ways to reach “drawdown”—the point when levels of greenhouse gases stop climbing and start to actually decline.

Each workshop examined a different topic—trees, soil, livestock, water, and technology—and discussed how each of these impact, and are impacted by, climate change.

For each topic, we provided content that participants could watch or read before they joined us, or afterwards to continue their learning. If you weren’t able to participate in Carbon Crushers, we encourage you to click the button below and check out the robust list of resources compiled for this series!

A plan to reverse global warming

Future Outreach on Climate Change

If you’re interested in learning more, or have ideas for how we can continue to work with the farming community on climate change, please reach out to us!