Shelf Life of Donated Fresh Produce

Time/ shelf life for transporting perishable fruits and vegetables, and demand from Snohomish County Food Banks

Food Banks are very thankful of any fruit or produce donated as part of the Plant A Row program. However, here are some of their most in demand items for Snohomish County Food Banks, and the approximate shelf life of those items.

Shelf Life in days: 

Apples (Granny Smith) 90-240, (chilling sensitive) 40-45

Berries (Blackberries) 2-3, (Blueberries) 7-14, (Raspberries) 2-3, (Strawberries) 5-10

Legume family (Lima beans) 7-10 days, (snap or green beans) 10-14, (winged beans) 28, (Snow and Snap Pod peas) 7-14

Brassica family (Broccoli) 7-14, (cauliflower) 21, (Chinese Napa Cabbage) 30-60, (Early Red/Green Cabbage) 21-42, (Late Red/Green Cabbage) 90-180

Umbelliferae family (topped carrots) 28-180

Allium family (green onions) 21-28, (Dry Onions) 30-270

*No need to refrigerate potatoes or onions, however avoid storing them together. The gasses emitted from onions encourages sprouting on potatoes, expediting the aging process.  

Nightshade family (early potatoes) 21-35, (late potatoes) 150, (sweet Boniato potatoes) 90-180, (light red tomato) 10-14, (mature green tomato) 14-21, (tomatillo) 21, (sweet bell peppers) 21-35, (hot chili peppers) 14-21

Food Banks find which items are more in demand locally by utilizing surveys such as this: 

SCFB Client Survey - Final-1.png