Farmer Spotlight - Sultan Volunteers of America (VOA)

The Sultan VOA, which previously had a mini golf course on its site, is now utilizing the soil remediation technique of applying raised garden beds where they suspect soil contamination. They currently have around 30 raised beds, and are looking to implement more as time progresses.
This site is ideally positioned in the center of a Boys and Girls Club, Senior Center, and food bank. The garden will grow fresh produce for the food bank, supply healthy snacks for youth programs, and provide the majority of the mix for a salad bar every Wednesday at the Senior Center.
Special thanks to Down to Earth Community Gardens for spearheading this effort.
A rainwater catchment system was added to the Sultan VOA community garden by the Snohomish Conservation District Veterans Conservation Corps team, to help water their vegetables grown for the food bank more efficiently. Notice the drip irrigation to the beds.