Highlights from Stillaguamish Festival of the River and Pow Wow
/The mission of the Festival is to help people who live and work in the surrounding regions understand how their actions can help make their environment healthier for people, fish, and wildlife and to introduce people to Native American traditional dances and culture. This year's festival is their 28th.
During the last three fairs, we have had some historical photos on banners and one was labeled "Mystery Camp." Of all the small worlds, maybe Snohomish County is one of the smallest. While Kari was working the booth on Sunday, a gentleman walked up to the banner and said, "That's where I live." Upon furthering questioning, he recently purchased this property in Monroe from his family's estate. His father had worked at this Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) camp in the '20s or '30s. What a small world! We hope to interview him further and see what the property looks like now soon.