Conservation Commission Tours Snohomish County
/Snohomish Conservation District hosted members of the Washington State Conservation Commission, other partners, landowners, and elected officials on a tour of the area on Wednesday, January 18th. The tour was part of a two-day work session that the Commission holds bi-monthly for its eleven-member board and commission staff around the state.
The group viewed the Ovenell Farm site in Stanwood which is transitioning to a community park. Deborah Knight, City Administrator, spoke to the group about the plans for the park that will include a river walk, boat launch, gardens, and restored outbuildings. Partners talked about Floodplains by Design projects and other collaborative efforts in the Stillaguamish Watershed.
The second site visited by the group was Bartelheimer Farm in Snohomish for an overview of watershed issues along the Snohomish River. The tour group talked about the need for collaboration via efforts such as the Sustainable Lands Strategy, agriculture resilience, responsible stewardship, and coordinated/multi-benefit investment in natural resource issues.