What's New with Sound Horsekeeping
/Editor's update - January 25, 2018
Our current Sound Horsekeeping Program Manager is Michael Hipp. You can reach Michael at 425-377-7019 or mhipp@snohomiscd.org.
As with all things, change is inevitable. Such is the case with Snohomish Conservation District’s Sound Horsekeeping program. Read on to hear a message from Jessica Paige, the former program manager for Sound Horsekeeping, and meet our new program manager, Cayley Allen from Stanwood.
Message from Jessica
Jessica Paige
“At the end of September [2015], I decided to move on from the Conservation District and take a new job. While I was sad to go, this change will allow me to explore a new field closer to home.
It was such a pleasure to get to know so many of you through the Sound Horsekeeping program. Thankfully, I will keep working with Horses for Clean Water, as I have for almost twenty years.
I am so happy that Sound Horsekeeping will continue at the District with Cayley Allen. As a horse owner herself, she has a clear understanding of the joys and challenges that come with managing horse property. I know she’ll do a great job and that she’ll enjoy working with all of you, just as I have. I hope our paths cross again in the future—happy trails!”
Cayley Allen - New Sound Horsekeeping Program Manager
Cayley Allen with her quarter horse filly, Andie, near Silvana.
Cayley Allen from the Stillaguamish Valley is happy to be your new Sound Horsekeeping Program Manager. She has two horses of her own, quarter horse filly Andie and a Morgan/quarter horse Maya. Cayley has experience teaching children's riding lessons and enjoys riding western pleasure and trail. She is in the process of becoming a Sound Horsekeeper herself on her farm in Silvana. You can follow her progress in future newsletters.
Earn Your Sound Horsekeeping Sign
If you already have Sound Horsekeeping practices in place (covering manure, using a winter paddock, preventing overgrazing, etc.), you may qualify for a Sound Horsekeeping sign. To see a list of eligible practices and apply, go to the Sound Horsekeeping website: http://snohomishcd.org/sound-horsekeeping-sign-program and click on ‘Apply for the Sign’.
Once you’ve filled out the form online, Cayley or a farm planner will visit your property for a brief walkabout and go through the checklist with you.