"Your Groundwater and Camano Island Aquifers" a very timely event!

The heat and drought made July 29th's "Your Groundwater and Camano Island Aquifers" a very timely event! Over 160 Camano Islanders attended the workshop that featured a detailed presentation by Island County Hydrogeologist Doug Kelly about Island County's aquifers, seawater intrusion, and the abundance of data maintained on the islands' water wells.

For those wanting a refresher or who missed the workshop, Doug's presentation may be viewed here. Many more resources about Camano Island's groundwater may be found on Island County Public Health's Hydrogeology program website. For specific questions, residents may contact Doug Kelly by calling (360) 678-7885 or emailing him at D.Kelly@co.island.wa.us. 

Kathleen Parvin, Triangle Cove Pollution Identification and Correction (PIC) Program Coordinator at Island County Public Health, also shared excellent news that rates of septic system inspections in the Triangle Cove watershed are much improved. Repairs are being made where needed, which will decrease the amount of bacteria getting into surface waters from that source. Please see our Triangle Cove PIC page for more information about Triangle Cove and the PIC program. 

Co-hosts Snohomish Conservation District and Island County Public Health thank the following for their participation and support:

  • The Camano Center on Arrowhead Road for the wonderful workshop space and staff assistance.
  • WSU Shore Stewards, Waste Wise, Beach Watchers, and Master Gardeners for providing educational materials and advice for workshop attendees.
  • WSU Waste Wise for providing recycling and composting bins, and for hauling the waste away (to be recycled and composted).
  • The multitude of fantastic Camano Island residents who pitched in to set out chairs and then put them away at the end of the evening. 
  • The Triangle Cove PIC program that funded the workshop, Island County Public Health, and the Washington Department of Health.