Cam Allen | Family & Farming

What's your connection to the land?

Growing up in Minnesota, I spent a lot of time at my Grandparents dairy farm. From my grandmother, I learned all about chickens, pigs, cows and gardening. She taught me how to preserve food from the garden and was my biggest influence with agriculture and food production.

After high school, my family (six children total and parents) moved to Washington where a sister was living and my father began working for Darigold. My family lived in Mt. Vernon and I later married and moved to the Bryant area. I became the 'Goat Lady of Bryant' with 30 goats, 10 of which I milked every day. I also had pigs, steers, and chickens on our 5-acre small farm. I currently live in Silvana on a 135-acre farm where we raise beef cows. My daughter Cayley is continuing the farming tradition and raising grass-fed beef with her husband Kendal.

What actions have you taken as a steward that you're most proud of and/or that you feel have made the biggest difference?

I think using and nurturing our amazing soil and feeding my family with the abundance that the garden produces. Our rich, bottomland soil can grow about anything we put in the ground. Feeding my family and raising quality grass-fed beef is something I’m really proud of.

What’s your hope for the next 75 years? And/or what advice do you have for those next 75 years? 

Preserving the farmer and farmland is something I feel is really important

Anything else you want to share or feel is important?

Connecting with my community is important to me, and something I want to do more of.

Who are you?

  • Name: Cam Allen
  • Where is home? Silvana
  • Where are you from? Midwest-Minnesota