Tristan Klesick | Stewardship

What's your connection to the land? 

I farm and I believe in stewardship, leaving the land better for the generations to come.

What actions have you taken as a steward that you're most proud of and/or that you feel have made the biggest difference? 

Connecting to the community, adding wildlife strips for a mix of animals and creating forested areas. It's kinda cool to be on a farm that has been farmed for 140 years. I would like to know, for instance, who planted the English walnut in the yard that produces 1000 pounds of walnuts for us every year.

What’s your hope for the next 75 years? And/or what advice do you have for those next 75 years? 

I would love to see agriculture have a contiguous landscape to provide food for people and habitat for wildlife. We all need to be healthy and prosper, people and wildlife.

Anything else you want to share or feel is important?

Thinking about the future, and planning for it, is really important.