Brian Bookey | Balanced Approach

What's your connection to the land? 

I own and operate a family farm raising chickens and producing eggs. Our operation is now in its fourth generation. Our land also produces grain and takes nutrients from the poultry operation for soil health and productivity.

What actions have you taken as a steward that you're most proud of and/or that you feel have made the biggest difference?

Balancing the needs of salmon habitat with the farming community. We have taken a balanced approach to maintaining a profitable farm business while also protecting the natural resources. There always has to be a bottom line with farming.

What’s your hope for the next 75 years? And/or what advice do you have for those next 75 years? 

For people to stand up to the challenge of maintaining a viable ag industry as well as maintaining an agricultural land base to support it.

Anything else you want to share or feel is important?

We have taken a balanced approach to maintaining a profitable farm business while also protecting the natural resources. There always has to be a bottom line with farming.

We each have an obligation to provide community support for organizations like the Conservation District.

Who are you?

  • Name: Brian Bookey
  • Where is home? Arlington
  • Where are you from? Snohomish County