Lower Stillaguamish PIC Project - Phase 2  


Snohomish Conservation District, Snohomish County, and other local partners are focusing on the Lower Stillaguamish River Basin due to fecal coliform bacteria levels exceeding Washington State water quality standards. Fecal coliform bacteria is a widely used indicator of the presence of other microorganisms that can cause diseases. 

Through targeted funding for a portion of the Stillaguamish River watershed called Pollution Identification and Correction (PIC), the District is providing outreach and technical assistance to landowners to prevent fecal coliform bacteria contamination. The Lower Stillaguamish PIC Phase 2 Project area encompasses the floodplain of the Stillaguamish River west of I-5, upland areas encompassing Warm Beach and Kayak Point, and a portion of the floodplain and uplands north of Stanwood to the Skagit County border (see project area map below).

The Conservation District is working with landowners in these areas to implement management practices on their property that lead to improved water quality in the river and local streams. The Stillaguamish River and some of its tributaries suffer from high levels of fecal coliform pollution, making waters less safe for recreation as well as impacting shellfish beds in Port Susan and South Skagit Bay. Sources of fecal contamination include failing on-site septic systems, livestock access to creeks, improper manure storage or application, and pet waste. The project area includes commercial agriculture, rural residential properties, small farms, and equine facilities. As part of this project, the District will be hosting several events and workshops that are free for anyone interested. 

This project has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under Assistance Agreement PC-01J18001 to the Washington State Department of Health. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Environmental Protection Agency, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.

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