Regional Conservation Partnership Program: Funding for Farm Projects
If you live in the Woods Creek, Lower Skykomish, Snohomish River, or Stillaguamish River basins, you may be eligible for funding to help you pay for projects that reduce mud, manage manure, and improve pasture health. These projects can be a huge benefit to you and your animals, and also protect soil, water, and wildlife. See below for details!
Stillaguamish Map
Snohomish map
Funding: Incentive payments for agricultural best management practices and fish passage barrier removal can cover up to 90% of costs.
For example:
Who: Producer and landowner participants can include but are not limited to crop farmers, dairies, berry operations, beef cattle producers, and horse owners. These farms vary in size from large dairies with several hundred acres, to small producers with five acres.
Where? Focused efforts on agriculture producers in the floodplain of the lower Stillaguamish River and Snohomish River upstream of the estuary and into the Skykomish River basin.
Why? This is a new way of providing regional conservation planning to help landowners find the best conservation solutions and combination of funding sources to meet their individual conservation goals, while providing enhanced financial incentives to support the implementation of conservation practices and projects. NRCS Chief Jason Weller says, "Regional conservation planning puts our partners in the driver's seat. Projects are led locally, and demonstrate the value of strong public-private partnerships that deliver solutions to natural resource challenges."
How do I learn more? Contact the Agriculture Team at 425-760-1935 or