2017 Fall Nexus

Volume 28: Issue 2

Happy Fall!

By the time this issue reaches your hands the days might be feeling a little shorter and the nights a bit colder, but there’s a hint of something else in the air. And no it’s not the smell of pumpkin spice or crisp fall leaves, it’s something more. It’s that feeling of togetherness and coziness—for wrapping up in your favorite knit blanket on the couch after picking manure or drinking a cup of coffee before watching the big game. It’s a time for reflection and thankfulness, gathering with friends and family, and pie (lots of pie).

Whether we’ve met in person or only through the pages of the Nexus, all of us at Snohomish Conservation District are grateful for your support and the District could not exist without your willingness to partner with us year in and year out. If we’ve only been introduced through the pages of this publication, we welcome you to get in touch for assistance with your property concerns. Let’s jump into 2018 together.


Articles in This Issue

2017 Spring Nexus

Volume 28: Issue 1

Welcome to the new Nexus!

All of us at Snohomish Conservation District are excited to bring you this edition of The Nexus; we're not calling it new and improved, just re-imagined. Inside you'll find the same stories and helpful tips you've come to appreciate over the last 27 years. There are noticeable differences, of course, but we hope you enjoy the larger, more vibrant photos and the smaller, compact size. The Nexus has been designed to match our increasingly on the go lifestyles, designed to slip into a bag, be read while waiting for the kids to finish baseball practice, or simply, enjoyed on your porch with a warm cup of coffee.

Whether you've been with us all of these years, or this is the first time you've picked up a copy of The Nexus, welcome. These stories are for you, they feature your friends, your neighbors, and the land and water that connect us all. We hope you enjoy this issue, and many more to come. We love to hear from our readers so feel free to send us your thoughts. You can also sign up for our monthly Nexus Digest email, peruse our website, or follow us on Facebook to stay up-to-date.


Articles in This Issue