Farmland Protection
Protecting our viable agricultural land from development so farmers can provide for our community’s needs into the future is a critical component of the Agriculture Resilience Plan.
Washington Farmland Trust (formerly PCC Farmland Trust) has worked with local farmers to develop criteria to prioritize lands for protection through agricultural easements. Flood and groundwater modeling predictions will also be incorporated into this prioritization. This voluntary program will be available for farmers who wish to sell development rights on their high priority farmland.
Purchase or Transfer of Development Rights programs will provide income for existing farmers and keep farmland affordable for new farmers
Funding for implementation of a county-wide farmland protection strategy will be solicited
Farms to condos - photo by Bill Pierce (photovoice)
In the News
"Linda Neunzig, an Arlington farmer and coordinator of the county’s agriculture project, said more receiving sites would help solve that problem.
“We have over 200,000 people coming to Snohomish County and as farmers we need to be able to feed the people,” Neunzig said. “We need to know that we can provide food security, and preserving our farmland does that.”"
Click below to read the full article:
Expanded program protects even more farmland from sprawl - Everett Herald - May 30, 2018
Want to Learn More?
Click here to download the Snohomish Farmland Conservation Strategy.
Brought to you by:
Funding provided by: National Estuary Program, NOAA, Stillaguamish River Lead Entity, Estuary and Salmon Restoration Program, and Floodplains by Design