Celebrate Earth Day in Marysville April 27 at Jennings Park
Want to help restore a local creek and improve fish habitat, decorate a free reusable grocery tote bag, enjoy snacks and learn about environmentally friendly actions you can take? Come join the fun at Earth Day in Marysville from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, April 27, at Jennings Park, 6915 Armar Rd.
Volunteers are needed to help plant trees to restore Allen Creek. You can also learn about:
· Watersheds and the salmon life cycle
· Natural yard care and gardening
· Pet waste disposal
· Recycling, Adopt-A-Street and more
Activities are for all ages, rain or shine. Wear sturdy boots and work clothes. Gloves, tools and light refreshments will be provided. Questions? Contact Jessie Balbiani, Surface Water Specialist, at 360-363-8144 or jbalbiani@marysvillewa.gov.
This event is presented by the Snohomish Conservation District and the City of Marysville in partnership with the Adopt A Stream Foundation, City of Arlington, Department of Ecology, Marysville School District and The Tulalip Tribes.