Overcome springtime pasture challenges and grow thriving, nutritious pastures for your animals!
We'll start with an indoor presentation, then go to Warm Beach Camp's stables for hands-on activities and to see how they handle pasture, mud, and manure challenges. As a bonus, we'll learn about their therapeutic horsemanship program.
Bring your questions about how to:
Grow healthy pastures, even on small lots
Manage spring nutrition challenges
Manage mud & manure
Presentations by:
Claire Tungseth, DVM - Equine Veterinarian
Michael Hipp - Snohomish Conservation District Farm Planner and former rancher
Ginger Reitz - Warm Beach Camp's Therapeutic Horsemanship Coordinator
Questions? Call Kathryn at 425-377-7024 or email kathryn@snohomishcd.org.
Please share with other interested individuals - snocd.org/springpasture2019
This project has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under Assistance Agreement PC-01J18001 to the Washington State Department of Health. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Environmental Protection Agency, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.