Healthy landscapes and communities are high priorities for those who live, work and recreate in Snohomish County. For over 75 years, the Snohomish Conservation District has been on the forefront of productive agriculture, habitat restoration and residential stewardship – by providing free services to private landowners. With a growing population and increased pressure on our natural resources, the District has developed programs and implemented projects to meet the demands of a diverse and changing environment.
For the past eight years, the District has received funding through an assessment, which has been leveraged with grants and other funding sources. The District Board of Supervisors plans to file a new rate proposal with the Snohomish County Council to ensure that the District can continue to provide these services into the future.
This proposal will transition the District from an “assessment” to a “rate” structure; increase the maximum per parcel amount from $5/parcel to $10/parcel, and from $0.05/acre to $0.10/acre; and provide an opportunity for the District to increase services in three key areas that have been identified by the public and partners as high priority. These include youth education with an increased focus on the value and function of agriculture and food production, agricultural engagement to help support producers to be stewards of the natural resources they manage, and landowner programs to address residential stormwater issues.