We’re filling our office to the brim with rain barrels and keeping our doors open late for this special one-day only pick up event, just in time for summer watering. You will get a pre-assembled 55-gallon barrel with sturdy components (spigot, overflow spout, mesh over inlet).
- WHEN: Friday, May 20 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m
- WHERE: Snohomish Conservation District, 528 91st Ave NE, Lake Stevens
- COST: $50 + tax
- QUESTIONS: Email outreach(at)snohomishcd.org or call 425-335-5634, ext. 0
- To ensure you get your needed number of barrels, please pre-order using the purchase button below.
- You must pick up on the day of the sale (May 20).
**You can also walk-up to the sale and purchase, although we recommend pre-ordering to ensure we have enough barrels to meet the demand. We accept debit/credit cards and checks.