Snohomish Conservation District's Cost Share program may be able to help you cover the cost of projects that are good for both your farm and natural resources. Some examples of practices that may qualify include:

  • Gutters, downspouts, and underground outlets for existing buildings

  • Winter paddocks/confinement areas

  • Fencing animals out of waterways, wetlands, and ditches

  • Compost bins/waste storage

Here's what you need to know:

  • Reimbursement rates depend upon the funding source, the practice you want to implement, and your location in Snohomish County or on Camano Island.

  • Landowners cover 100% of the costs of implementing the project up-front and are reimbursed after the project is fully implemented.

  • Snohomish Conservation District determines eligibility for cost share based on highest priority and the greatest likelihood of improving water quality in the local watershed.

  • We will provide you with an engineered design for your practice and instructions on maintenance.

  • Projects are limited by county/state/federal regulations and will be determined upon application.

Please contact us before you begin any work to make sure your project is approved and funds are available. 

Before and After Examples