Resources for Teaching about Climate Science for 9-12 Grade
Read to learn more about integrating the video and these resources into your classroom and making them useful for your students.
There are many great resources out there to help with teaching about climate change. At SCD, we want to support teachers bringing this topic into your classrooms by highlighting the local impacts of climate change.
How to make this issue local:
Use the lesson plans from REACCH (Regional Approaches to Climate Change Pacific Northwest Agriculture) to introduce students to climate change and the ways that it can affect agriculture in the PNW.
Curriculum for 9-12:
We recommend pairing Unit One from the REACCH curriculum with our resources to help high school students see the connections between a changing climate and what’s happening here in Snohomish County. From the REACCH website, you can access a powerpoint, instructions for a lab, and additional resources.
Show students the new video produced as part of the OSPI’s ClimeTime Initiative. This video shares the stories of three farmers in Snohomish County and the changes they’ve seen on their farms and their concerns and hopes for the future.
Have students read “Food, Innovation and Resilience in the Face of Climate Change.” This article from the Seattle Times highlights the stories of agricultural producers in Washington and the challenges they face with a less predictable climate.
Use the Snohomish County Impact Assessment Tools to see what recent modeling tells us might be coming in our area. The tools include groundwater and saltwater intrusion assessments, flood modeling, and crop impacts
When looking at the Groundwater Report page, you can flip through images that project impacts in Snohomish County. Have students see what this means for where they live and for the farms in those areas:
Please contact with any questions regarding future opportunities.
This project was funded by the Snohomish Conservation District and the Office of Superindent of Public Instruction's ClimeTime initiative. Learn more by visiting