Community Engagement Series

In 2021, Snohomish Conservation District’s Agriculture Resilience Team hosted a five-part virtual series of discussions about the ways that trees, soil, livestock, water, and technology can all contribute to slowing the effects of climate change. Our aim was to connect with as many people within our district (which includes Snohomish County and Camano Island) interested in farmland protection, locally grown food, and the effects of climate change on our local environment.

The series helped build connections and created a web of resources to empower each of us to take action. Below is a summary of our events and a button that will link you to the resources developed for each of the topics.

  • February 3, 2021 - Trees - We enjoyed a conversation with about 20 folks.

  • April 7, 2021 - Soil - Nearly 30 people attended our discussion on soil.

  • June 2, 2021 - Livestock - View the video of the presentation.

  • November 9, 2021 - Water - View the video of Carrie’s presentation.

  • Wednesday, December 1, 2021 - Technology - This discussion focused on ways that technology in agriculture can be part of the solution to climate change. We highlighted innovations within the regional dairy sector and then opened it up for a broader discussion on technologies in agriculture that can help us mitigate and adapt to climate change.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Carrie Brausieck at or call 703-407-8341.

Brought to you by:

Funding provided by: National Estuary Program, NOAA, Stillaguamish River Lead Entity, Estuary and Salmon Restoration Program, and Floodplains by Design