Riverfront Property, Literally: Garden Paradise for Snohomish Couple

Riverfront Property, Literally: Garden Paradise for Snohomish Couple

What used to be a rock and garbage-filled ditch is now a scaled-down riverscape of native flowers, trees and shrubs, complete with several wood ornaments and a bridge that Paul built. The neighbors say they fall asleep to the sound of the stream.

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Your Lawn As Art

Your Lawn As Art

Maybe you read last week’s editorial about lawns stifling creativity and you’ve started to second guess the big rectangle of grass in your front yard, but you’re hesitant to get rid of your lawn altogether. After all, you’ve got kids, or pets, or both, and it’s a great space to play!

I’ve got good news for you: you can keep your lawn and be creative with it at the same time.

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