Working Together for Clean Water in Edmonds

Working Together for Clean Water in Edmonds

Keeping stormwater clean in urban spaces isn’t easy. When rain hits the ground and travels across surfaces like streets and parking lots, it picks up pollutants along the way before heading down a storm drain and into our waterways. But there are nature-based solutions, commonly referred to as Green Stormwater Infrastructure, that collect, slow, and filter stormwater.

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Green Solutions for Cleaner Water

Green Solutions for Cleaner Water

It’s no surprise that we get a lot of rain—the Pacific Northwest is a temperate rainforest, after all. How we manage that rain once it hits the ground is important, especially in our region, where we’re experiencing rapid growth. In many places, the pervious soil of forests, farms, and undeveloped land is being replaced with impervious surfaces like roofs, roads, and parking lots, which can lead to increased flooding and water pollution.

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Rain Gardens, Rain Barrels and Bioswales - Oh My!

Rain Gardens, Rain Barrels and Bioswales - Oh My!

From Stanwood to Darrington, and Monroe to Bothell, we covered some ground with rain gardens this October to help filter pollutants out of stormwater runoff. Thanks to the many partners and volunteers who made it possible!

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