Video: Changes Are Coming

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Strengthening the resilience of the local farming community in Snohomish County

This video features Dan Bartelheimer, Spencer and Karen Fuentes, and Libby Reed—all farmers involved in the creation of the Agriculture Resilience Plan for Snohomish County.

Resilience is defined as the ability to withstand change or difficulties. Farmers have always had to adapt to changes in markets, regulations, and weather, but climate change and rapid development have introduced new challenges for farmers in our region.

The Snohomish Conservation District, in partnership with our local farming community, completed the Agriculture Resilience Plan for Snohomish County. This plan is intended to be a roadmap for resiliency. The goals of the plan are to:

  • Provide information and project funding for farmers to manage for future risk on their farms.

  • Develop landscape-scale projects to improve agricultural resilience.

  • Protect agricultural lands from subdivision or development.


Brought to you by:

Funding provided by: National Estuary Program, NOAA, Stillaguamish River Lead Entity, Estuary and Salmon Restoration Program, and Floodplains by Design