Strike While the Fire’s Hot – Get Help with Your Farm Projects Now

The Snohomish River Watershed target areas for the RCPP program.

The Stillaguamish River Watershed target areas for the RCPP Program. Projects in the yellow-outlined areas will focus on fish passage while the green areas are for nutrient management and soil health improvements.

Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) available in the Stillaguamish and Snohomish River Watersheds

Have you had a new farm project on the back burner that always seems to be waiting for the right moment or enough extra cash to begin? Maybe a manure bin, soil improvements or gutters and downspouts for the barn (the muddy season is fast approaching, after all). Fortunately for residents of portions of the Snohomish and Stillaguamish River watersheds, the time to begin may be now. If you live or own land in either of these priority areas you may be eligible for help with your projects through a new grant program.

Portions of these two watersheds are the focus of the Regional Conservation Partnership Program. Also known as RCPP, the new funding program is the result of the 2014 USDA Farm Bill. “This program offers new opportunities for landowners to get free assistance with innovative natural resource solutions and helps illustrate the value of getting conservation on the ground”, says Program Coordinator Eric Schuh. 

Staff from Snohomish Conservation District and the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service can assist with planning, design and funding in areas such as livestock-related water quality practices, wildlife habitat improvements and soil health practices.

Landowners can choose from livestock heavy-use areas, manure storage and composting systems, roof runoff systems, cover crops, stream plantings, fish passage barrier removal and much more.  

The first application cutoff will be November 18, 2016. If you are interested in finding out more about participating, please contact Eric Schuh at the Snohomish Conservation District by phone 425-377-7026 or by email at